until first session

Don’t Miss the First Day
of Summer Camp!

welcome to our

Hello Summer Camp

learn our camping

virtual camping tour

Summer camp is a program for children or teens during summer months in many countries. Children and adolescents are called campers.

our benefits

why choose us

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Diversity abounds


Natural all the way


Experienced and trustworthy

summer 2018

Rates & Dates


Junior Camp

May 26 – June 18, 2018
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More Info

Main Camp

June 26 – July 27, 2018
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehendecat cupidatat non proidemed ut perspiciatis.
More Info

August Camp

August 05 – August 30, 2018
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehendecat cupidatat non proidemed ut perspiciatis.
More Info

What People Say

“My daughter has never been this happy during her summer holiday as she was this year after spending some great and fun time at your camp! i appreciate what you do for the kids and for their parents who can participate!”

Alice Parker


“Thank you very much for taking care of our kids during the August camp. they are now waiting for the next year trip and are very excited about meeting their friends as well as the awesome camp staff. Great job!”

David Mattinson

New York

“My children are absolutely in love with the camp staff and the entertainment programs that you guys offer! We would love to thank you for letting our kids spend such amazing summer time at your wonderful camp!”

Mary Watson

South Carolina
from the blog

Exciting News

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Ohlédnutí za rokem 2020
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Adam 2019
DEN #15 – Odjezd domů
V sobotu ráno po probuzení a snídani proběhl poslední úklid celého tábora. Potom si všichni dobalili své věci a už vyhlíželi rodiče. Jak už to bývá, někteří už se hodně ...

O nás

Letní dětský tábor ADAM pro děti 5 - 15 let, který se koná v první půlce srpna.


LDT AdamMladkov561 6750.1121908N, 16.6118325E


Richard PlačekTel.: +420 777 986 015E-mail: info@tabor-adam.cz

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